Thursday, September 6, 2012

Who Am I

        Who am I??? is the million dollar question.  The simple response to that is I am  Brock Thomas Russell Henderson,  son of Kevin and Lora and brother to Ashton and Shea Henderson, but Dr. English is looking for a more  in depth answer.  I'm just a small town kid living in rural Nebraska living the life,  going to bonfires on the weekends and getting in the tractor during the week. I'm a laid back kind of person not really in a hurry with life but just enjoying every minute of it.
I work on a farm and ranch which I love doing and wouldn't want it any other way right now.  Working outside is just something that  like doing instead of being cooped up like chickens.  Being in the outdoors is one of my greatest passions in my life.  At the start of the year I'm just finishing up deer season and raccoon hunting and going straight into turkey season.  A lot of people say that hunting with today's weapons just isn't a challenge, which in some ways I can see that, but I have been hunting with a bow and arrow for 5 years now and trust me, there's nothing easy about it!   After turkey season I get my boat ready and take it out on the water for some nice, relaxing, and well earned fishing in the summer.  I'm not big on all the water sports like a lot of the kids my age.  When I see a log in the water I'm looking for a large mouth bass under it instead of trying to dodge it with a jet ski or tube.  After the fishing season and school starts up you'll find me on a five gallon bucket waiting for turtle doves to come roost at night.  That's just getting me warmed up for the upcoming bird seasons of duck, goose, and upland game.  And then with deer season,  my schedule just starts all over again.
 I love telling hunting stories or things that happened to me in the woods or on the water so it really has helped me communicate with others.  I'm not scared to talk to adults or go introduce myself to new people.  I love meeting new people and after my conversation, I usually  feel  like I have known them for years.  In this small town everybody knows everybody so it would be hard NOT to be sociable out in public as people generally know you or your parents or even your siblings.
I love watching football with my dad and competing in outdoor sports.  Trap shooting is not a school sponsored event around here but there's a good number of kids in high school that take up the sport so we actually have a team.  There's a state meet with over 2,000 kids every year that I have been going to for the last 4 years. I'm also a devout Bears fan as well as my Dad. He and I took a trip to Chicago to watch the Bears play the chiefs last November  and even though I had the stomach flu i still managed to have a good time. That's one of our trips but we have a tradition every year for about the last 14 that we take a trip up to northern Minnesota for the best fishing around.  Spending 2 weeks in a log cabin with no phone reception or internet is something everyone should do to forget about whats going on at work or something and just enjoy themselves relaxing on a beach or throwing some bait into a Lilly patch.
I see myself as a person that is very easy to get along with and a good friend that will stick by someone through anything.  I wouldn't say I am an emotional person but will listen if someone needs to get something off there chest or just needs to talk about it.  I don't get mad very easy and can just let things slide most of the time.  I'm down to earth not thinking that I'm ten foot tall and bullet proof and would say I'm confident but not over confident or vain.
In my future I would like to have a degree in agri-business as well as wildlife and fisheries.  So far I think my plan is that I will be going to the University of Nebraska at Lincoln for my education.  They have a trap shooting club also,  so if everything works out I'll still be in school on a shooting team for the next  4 years.   After college I can't really see myself staying in a big city but rather coming back to a small town and settling down having a family.  Farming is kind of a huge dream for me but with the cost and economy right now it would be extrememly difficult to get into,  but eventually I will find out what the future holds for me.

1 comment:

  1. Brock,

    I just get the biggest kick out of reading about your love of hunting and fishing. How much my father would have loved hanging out with you! He absolutely loved hunting (ducks,geese, pheasants) and fishing. He could have fished every day of his life is possible! He would have enjoyed a trip to Minnesota. He probably would have thought he'd died and gone to heaven. After reading this, I think you know yourself pretty well and that's impressive for someone your age. You don't mince any words, that's for sure!
